• Food Drive – Support those in need with a non-perishable food donation to Hill Country Community Ministries.  A donation bin is in the Golf Shop.  
  • Toy Drive – The Leander Police Blue Santa program is accepting toy donations in the Golf Shop.  
  • December 14:  Drive-In Movie in our parking lot.   Family friendly, holiday movie.  $10 per vehicle.  Information & Reservations 
  • December 16:  Crystal Falls Golf Club’s Holiday Classic, 9:00 a.m. Shotgun.  Information & Registration Bring a toy donation for Leander Police Department’s Blue Santa program and receive $5 off your entry fee.  
  • December 24: Christmas Eve, all golf will be a 9:00 a.m. shotgun start.  Standard holiday/weekend rates.  Click Here to make your reservations now. Practice area hours 7:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.  
  • December 25:  Christmas Day, Course and Practice Area Will be Closed  
  • December 30: 15th Annual New Year’s Eve golf tournament.  Email Joe Angerame at joeanger@outlook.com for information and registration  
  • December 31: New Year’s Eve, normal hours  
  • January 1: New Year’s Day, normal hours

Swing Tempo

Every golfer swings their club differently, therefore every golfer needs their own swing tempo to maximize their consistency when hitting golf shots. There are several ways you can work on your swing tempo to find what works best for you.

  • Pause at the top: A slight pause at the top of your swing helps create a smooth transition between your backswing and downswing.
  • Use a metronome: Set a metronome app to match your ideal swing tempo and practice swinging in time with the beat.
  • Take the club back slower: Try to take the club back more slowly so that you remain in control of the clubface throughout the golf swing.
  • Relax: Relax before you take the club back. When you are at address, take a deep breath, then exhale before drawing the club back.
  • Have a practice routine: Develop a routine for practicing your swing. You should always use a routine when hitting a golf shot whether you are on the driving range or on the golf course. Having a consistent practice routine will assist a more consistent performance.
  • Lastly, Ball position: For long clubs, play the ball further forward in your stance, and for shorter clubs, play it more towards the middle. The swing timing is slightly different depending on which club you are using.

Try to find your swing tempo next time you are on the driving range by working on some of these drills. Nothing in golf happens overnight, so practice these drills and stick to the ones that work best for you!

“Off-Season” at the Golf Course

By: Wayne Slaton, Golf Course Superintendent

Is there such a time as the golf off-season?  Well, in central Texas it might be a few days or a week at most.  Hopefully no 2-week ice/snow happens again. That type of an event was devastating to the trees and turf grass and a major burden to all golf courses to clean it up and safely reopen…

To continue reading, click here.

I play in the low 80s. If it’s any hotter than that, I won’t play.

Lauren Haines, Assistant Golf Professional

We welcome Assistant Golf Professional, Lauren Haines, to the team at Crystal Falls Golf Club.  Lauren grew up in Brownwood, Texas and started playing competitive golf in high school.  She competed in summer tournaments, and then played in college. Lauren is available for private lessons and is looking into PGA programs in order to become a more advanced golf professional.  

Facility renovations are currently underway for the Cork & Barrell and we are looking forward to their opening in early 2025.  

Turkey Shoot Tournament 

A wet morning turned into a beautiful afternoon for our Turkey Shoot golf tournament, sponsored by Cavalry at Liberty Hill and Club Cowork, with the team of Sebastian Ferrer, Bardy Estevanott and Tommy Navarette emerging in first place.  Payouts were made to the top 5 teams and the $340 Skins Pool was divided between 7 teams, 3 of which won 2 skins!  In total, participants took home $1,090 in merchandise gift cards.  Click Here to see the full leaderboard.

Crystal Falls Golf Club – See Rates, Reserve Tee Times, Event Calendar, Tournament Registration and more

Job Openings with Crystal Falls Golf Club and City of Leander

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